Category other

Torrenting on iOS

iOS is an interesting platform when it comes to torrenting - previously, various apps were avaiable on the App Store, and they were soon removed. However, there are still ways...

Recovering Corrupt .FIT Files from Garmin Edge Devices

A few months ago my Garmin Edge 810 froze, whcih meant I had to force shut it down whilst it was still recording a ride. Luckily, the files had been...

Setting up a HTML Email Signature

I use email a lot when, probably more than any other form of contact or social media. I decided to make a HTML email signature for myself, but found that...


Hi all! I have decided to set up a smaller blog alongside The Nerdy Student for unrelated things and things about programming! It won’t have a schedule, and will be...

Category web

How to easily defer CSS & JS to improve site speed

Site speed is one of the most important things when designing a website, and it’s surprising the amount of impact that loading in font files and other render blocking JS...

What should you have in your .htaccess?

Whilst many people say that .htaccess can slow down your website (here is another interesting article on it), which is true, chances are that if you run a website on...

Setting up .env files with PHP

I don’t have a whole lot of experience with PHP, only having made relatively simple contact forms. However, this changed when I needed to make a HTML form that saved...

Why I Chose Jekyll For My Second Review Site

I’ve had an increasing interest in anime and manga, and to have a little fun I decided to set up a second site to review this on. At first, I...

Formatting Code Snippets on Google Blogger

Lots of people use Blogger to host their blogs, but little know that you can actually edit the CSS that Blogger displays. It’s one of the most powerful Blogger features,...

Category local dev

Save time with .bat files

If you often type in the same repetitive commands on your CMD, .bat files are a great way to speed up your workflow. Essentially, you can create a .bat file...

Category wordpress

Get back the Wordpress Classic editor, and disable Guternburg in one line

I really don’t like the Guternburg editor that Wordpress introduced in version 5, and I am certainly not alone. Suprisngly, not many people know how easy it is to revert...